
Friday, May 1, 2015

Week 1 - Babies 1 Through 7

Day 1 - Apple

So with the house built, Kiwi calls for her first baby. I almost said ordered LOL that is what I feel like I am doing. I am rolling a dice for boy or girl. Odd is boy, even is girl. I roll a 2, so a girl. My husband caught me and said "What the fuck are you doing!" laughing. Random rolling dice over here!

While Kiwi waits for baby number 1 to get here, she indulges herself in a little fun. Could be the last fun she ever has! We have since sold the slide for money.... see below.

The adoption lady is cute, so I saved her!

Kiwi decide on the name Apple.

Kiwi is already cutting herself just making autumn salad for the first time. I hope this is not a sign of how well she will do in the kitchen! I honestly just liked her facial expression so I had to include it... carrying on!

I will be using the swing a lot. I have a mod in that makes the swing increase their motives and I'm not going to be taking it out. It might be the only thing that saves my sanity!

Day 2 - Banana

Day two comes around and we are ready to adopt our second baby! I rolled a two again and so she adopted another girl. Kiwi smells her like she's scented. This isn't My Little Pony, they don't smell like their names!

Two down, only a lot more to go!

 While the babies are sleeping, Kiwi paints a picture and makes $2!

Then she starts working on potions so she can get to the IF potion before too many kids start arriving. I think if the kid gets an IF, they will make them real and move out with them. What happens then is up to them.

 First potion discovered, only like 10 more to go!

Second potion wasn't such a success!

Day 3 - Cucumber

Baby number 3 is on its way, and it is Apples birthday! Now the real stuff starts!

Apple gets her cake before the new baby arrives.

Finally I roll a odd number with 3 and we get a boy. Meet Cucumber Punch!

Apple is the first to get an IF and I decided they would all be named after alcoholic drinks that start with the kids first letter. So her IF is Adios Motherfucker! We'll be calling him AMF for short.

Once Kiwi gets Cucumber in his swing, she starts skilling Apple. First the potty! No diapers! That was easy, she learned it only using the potty once!

Next up walking! Then talking, both learned! I am not going to age her up yet as there is no need to right now. She can skill her other skills until we start feeling stressed.

Kiwi reads to Apple while the other two are content.

Day 4 - Dewberry

Kiwi is in the red with exhaustion and Apple is screaming her head off not wanting to be in the swing, so before number 4 arrives, Kiwi needs a nap!

 While Apple is sleeping and before the next baby gets here, Banana has her birthday.

While Banana ages up, I roll a 5 and so we get another boy. Dewberry.

I then started thinking about it, adopting a baby every day and having so many days with each one we're going to start being really crowded really fast! So I adjusted the age of toddlers, children and teenagers so I can get them moved out faster to make room for more!

Toddlers went from 5 days to 2 days, I better skill as soon as they change!
Children went from 10 day to 5 days, hopefully they can get an A in that amount of time.
Teens went from 15 days to  5 days also with the same hope.

I actually hate adjusting the lifespan, it makes me feel like I'm cheating and missing out on a lot of stuff. There is just no way myself or my computer would handle it if I had to have (does the calculations) 33 sims in one house before any started moving out! Holy shit! By the time a teen turns into an adult even with these adjustments I'll be up to 15 sims, so again we might be changing them to less as I get more sims.

Banana gets an IF named Bacardi.

It is so late in the day by the time Banana aged up and Dewberry showed up, Kiwi didn't get around to skilling her.

Day 5 - Eggplant

Day five rolls around and it is Cucumber's birthday and Apple's birthday. I decided to get their birthdays done before adopting another one. As long as I do it sometime on day 5 I'm good!

Apple aged up good and I got to pick her trait, but randomized it and she got neat. I might change my rule of randomizing the traits if I get to pick. Dammit I earned it!

Then Cucumber. I didn't even makeover him, lol he's going to be changing again in 2 days anyways!

3:00pm rolls around and we finally start on Banana's skills. Then I'll adopt another after the potty. One down and two to go and then age up for her before I start Cucumber. Hopefully!

Hey! That is like your 3rd piece of cake in a couple hours! Slow down Missy! Oh yes and Cucumber's IF's name is Cadillac Margarita.

With so many babies and toddlers Kiwi hasn't even had a chance to get back to the potions station. This might not woke out the way I was hoping! At least I won't have to keep naming the IF's.

Waiting for the new baby to arrive, Banana gets taught to walk.

Just as Banana learns to walk, Eggplant arrives. Another boy with the roll of 5 again. I wonder if the lady thinks Kiwi is a bit of the crazy side? Here have another baby!

Cucumber doesn't seem to be the smartest of the toddlers, while Banana picks her nose for the umtheenth time already!

The kids are starting to get to Kiwi, she has a breakdown. She's starting to get a bit irritated I think!

While Kiwi deals with Cucumber, Apple plays with the babies.

Since she was rudely awaken from her nap, she gets Cucumber potty trained. And done!

Day 6 - Fig

10am on day 6 and Kiwi is just going to bed!

Apple is late for her first day of school. I don't think she'll be getting on the honor roll at all! She then went to a friends house after school and sat outside and played with her IF. She got an opportunity to improve grades so I sent her to do that. Hoping that will help a little.

Banana's time as a toddler is up and we only got 2 of the 3 skills done! Ugh see I knew it would start happening! I didn't get to pick her trait and she gained dog person.

8:17pm we get our next baby Fig. I rolled a 4 so we get another girl. This seems to be getting later and later lol.

Dewberry was next with his birthday. Just a heads up, I am randomizing their faces while they are a baby to avoid a bunch of face ones. I figured if I do it while they are babies I can't see what they look like really.

Dewberrry  and Cucumber learn the xylophone while Kiwi takes a nap to refresh. She's living off naps now.

Banana empties all the potty chairs! Good less stink!

Day 7 -Guavaberry

The last day of the week and the last day for this update! The day starts at 4:30am with teaching Cucumber how to walk.

Dewberry maxed xylophone. He might not learn any other skills but he's got that one!

Just put two toddlers to bed, lets adopt another one! Roll of the dice shows it will be a boy.

We were low on funds and needed to pay bills so we had to sell some stuff. This no jobs thing is not working. Teens will be getting a job even if it is for 2 days. Next time I do something like this I am playing on epic lifespan and not 100 in 100 days! You really have no time for anything else but basic needs and kids!! Don't try this at home kids!

LOL Poor Kiwi looks insane!

Kiwi had to hire a repairman due to broke stuff and not having time to fix it, and the lady goes over and picks up Eggplant. Just fix the toilets! He was fine!

 Ah okay, she was just helping him with his birthday!

The maid helped with Cucumber's. I plan on firing her after today, I just wanted the house clean for a minute!

We end the week with Apple playing with Eggplant to get his social up while Kiwi takes yet another nap.

7 days in, 7 babies adopted.

The things you do not see, there were broken toilets flooding everything. Kids and babies were all in at least the yellow. Kiwi is about to pass out for the millionth time, and skilling has come to a complete halt!

Sorry if this update is too long, I figured I'd probably be doing this week by week. So be prepared for large updates! 

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