
Friday, May 1, 2015

The Calm Before The Storm

Yep, you guessed it, another challenge! I'm going to end up with too many to get to, but this is another one I've been wanting to try. It is only a 1 generation challenge so it shouldn't take too long! 100 days to be exact, Sim days that is!

I wanted to try the 100 baby challenge but really didn't want to go through having to meet, romance, woo and have a baby with that challenge. Plus it can take a few generations to get there. I also wanted to try an adoption legacy, but didn't want the legacy part. So I kind of sort of combined them! Instead of my founder having babies through different baby daddy's all over town my girl will be adopting them. I don't usually adopt in the game and I always feel bad for that so I figured I'd make up for it this way. The challenging part is going to be that she has to adopt 1 baby every day for the next 100 days getting a total of 100 babies! I was debating if I was going to allow her to adopt the children and toddlers, but I might try a different challenge eventually for that.

I did adjust the lifespan to accommodate for the 100 days as normal is usually 90 days and that just won't work! I had to put it on epic lifespan and then adjust from there making it 137 days total. She has enough time if everything goes right to adopt all 100 as a young adult and adult, but she has a little time a an elder just in case. Not sure if it is only children she can adopt at that time, but we will see when we get there. If that is the case then we will have to go with that.

New lifespan is as follows:
Baby - 2 Days
Toddler - 5 Days - Can be aged up early if knows basic 3 skills.
Child - 10 Days - Can be aged up early if gets on the honor roll
Teen - 15 Days - Can be aged up early if gets on the honor roll
YA/Adult - 50 Days Each - This should be enough time to adopt all of them, but things happen.
Elder - 5 Days - If she has to adopt as an elder she better hope she only has 1 or 2 left!

The next thing is she will not be allowed to have a job, nor will any of the teenagers, teenagers will have jobs, they are broke! All money will have to be made by doing stuff like fishing, painting, inventing ect... I was going to make this where I only controlled the founder, but for this reason of making money I figured I'd better be able to control all of them.

There is a 100 baby adoption challenge out there with a bit different rules. I just wanted to see if I could do it this way.

I decided to use Green Berry Rush Punch for this challenge, except I changed her name to Kiwi Punch and adjusted her nose just a wee bit. All kids (not sure if I get to name them as I have not yet adopted in TS3) will be named after fruit! I think! I get bored easily with name themes, but we will see. I'll probably add some veggies in there too, just in case I run out of fruit. 

I think that is it for now, so lets meet Kiwi Punch!

Kiwi also got her traits adjusted just for this challenge. She is now Family Oriented, Neat, Natural Cook, Nurturing and Friendly. Everything a lady running an orphanage should be.

Starting out I find that she only has 44 days till she is an adult instead of the full 50. I guess I saved her after playing her a bit? I have no idea, so I had to adjust the YA to make up for the other 6 days now it being 56 days.

Kiwi moved to Lunar Lakes because well I haven't played it yet! She buys a small piece of land (they are all small pieces of land) and has 14,700 left over to build something livable till she starts making some money. Then I changed my mind and cheated to build her orphanage. I only bought the necessary things and then reduced her funds to $5000. She'll need a little bit of money to start off with till she starts making some or someone else does. I am still debating on the no job for teenagers thing but for now I will stick with it. I debated and they will be getting jobs! Since this is not a legacy style game I decided why not have all the stuff to start off with instead of making her suffer even more. I think 100 babies in a lifetime is enough!

I am sure the last time you will see the house in all its wonderful glory.

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