
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 2 - Babies 8 Through 14

 You just go back to your planet, we don't want any!

Day 8 - Huckleberry

The adoption agency would not drop off another baby because we already have 8 sims in the house. I have my MC set to allow more than 8 in a house and have had more than 8 in a house. I don't know why they are not letting me adopt now.

So now I am adjusting ages again! This time so I can just get them out of the house and on with more babies. This sucks, I swear I will do this right the next time around, I know now why no one has done 100 babies in 100 days! I adjusted child and teens to 2 days each, so we have to wait a couple more days to start getting any more. Once I can adopt again, I am going to try to adopt more than one to make up for the days we loose. By changing the number of days Apple and Banana both are scheduled to age up along with whoever else was already scheduled to age up. I am not happy at all on this, I was really thinking with all my mods, this would be possible.

After I aged up the girls I finally found what I was looking for, dammit! I am going to keep them at the 2 days like all the rest just to get them out of the house and make room for more.

Oh Apple! Well them.... lets move on! 

And Banana! Not as bad!

Dewberry gets potty trained. We won't get all of them done because today is his birthday.

I roll a 3 and we get another boy, Huckleberry. Since Kiwi was about to pass out, Apple got Huckleberry and got him set up in his swing.

See the house isn't pretty, I just hide it well!

Told you Dewberry wouldn't get any more skill done, his birthday time came and he grew into a child.

 Fig had her birthday.

While everyone is in the green and sleeping, Kiwi starts on Figs skills. She gets walking and potty done before people's needs start to go down enough to where she has to take care of them.

Day 9 -  Inga Bean

A little bit at a time right? Kiwi gets Eggplant walking.

Then Kiwi has an accident and breaks the all in one again! I broke down and hired a babysitter for a bit of help for the day. She stood outside the whole day!! Fucking NPC's are useless in this town!

Fig passes out in the potty.

While Kiwi gets another nap in, the teenagers get home from school and tag team the infants. Apple's mouth is still off!

Then it was Eggplants birthday! And we still hadn't adopted yet! Crap... Eggplant has issues, stayed tuned...

With a roll of 6, we add Inga Bean. It took forever for someone to pick her up from outside!

Guavaberry has his birthday. Oh boy look at that nose!

Dewberry does not like this house! At least I think this is Dewberrry! LOL I have no idea anymore.

After reset Eggplant finally ages up outside. And wow, I haven't even got to notice the sky in this world! So pretty!

 Day 10 - Jackfruit

I give up on IF's! I just cannot keep up and am not even close to the potion so screw it!

Eggplant helps out by feeding Fig. Oh my god look at his outfit! Hahaaha! I can't even think anymore!

Once Kiwi is ready she adopts another! Apple gets him off the front porch when she gets home from school. This is Jackfruit.

We had to sell some more stuff so we are down to one kitchen table and 6 chairs.. oh well, no one uses anything!

Dewberry didn't skip school but it said he did so he got in trouble. I really think Kiwi is going to have a meltdown.

Before Dewberry got in trouble, Kiwi was suppose to be getting Fig to put her to bed. She didn't make it and passes out again!

Some girl came home with one of the older girls, I have no idea who she is.. she could help out though instead of just sit there!

More birthdays! Let's kick some people out!

Apple first. I am binning every single one of these guys for now, so if anyone wants one, let me know and I will upload that Sim. I am not sure if I will upload every single one unless we want a bunch of random guys up.

Now that Apple is a YA she'll have a nice long life. I figured I'd wait till they get all their traits to name them all. She is good sense of humor, unlucky, neat, easily impressed and friendly. Not too bad. She will be moving out as soon as possible.

Cucumber becomes a teenager.

 Because of the mess up at the beginning, Banana has her birthday also. Apple seems to be shocked because of the sparkles!


Kiwi is ready for the girls to move out. One night with two less people!

And Banana becomes a YA! Traits are: brave, great kisser, loves the outdoors, green thumb and dog person.

Fig is next! She had to be reset though, stupid game! I think she will have face one. She also gained rebellious, oh great!

Then Dewberry!

Lastly for the night, Huckleberry!

Then I went to move Apple and Banana out but the game wouldn't let me unless I moved out one more child. I needed the house a little more empty so that I could add more babies! So Cucumber went with his sisters. He only has two days anyways as a teenager so we'll check back in with him once he's a YA. We will probably have to do this every move out, so one teenager gets lucky and gets out early!

With 3 less kids in the house, Kiwi gets the house picked up a little before the next wave of birthdays happen. I'm hoping she'll get some toddler skilling in too, but the house is a disaster.

Day 11 - Kumquat

Dewberry starts on Guavaberry's skills, taking care of potty first.

Time flies and before I know it, it is time to adopt another one. Rolling 5 we get another boy. Kumquat.

Eggplant skipped school cause he was going to pass out and then got in trouble. Sometime I'll get Kiwi to let them all off the hook! If I ever get around to it.

Guavaberry is our next one to pass out.

Then he has his birthday.

Inga Bean is next on the birthday list.

They never stop!!!

Inga works on probably the only skill she'll ever learn.

2 o'clock in the morning and Eggplant is the first ever to play with anything but an IF!

Day 12 - Lemon

Guavaberry starts off our day by having an accident, not he has to go to school starving and stinky!

Everyone skipped today! Well the 3 kids did, fricking Dewberrry went to school so he can't help out with the toddlers and babies!

They all blamed it on Huckleberry! Eggplant is now failing school! Woo I am doing so well!

Madhouse I tell ya!

Oh look she's in front of the toilet, went into the toilet came back out and pissed herself!

9:30pm rolls around and we still haven't adopted! Rolled a 2, so a girl. Lemon joins the family. Poor baby! I didn't get a pictures. She looks like another baby!

Eggplant has his birthday.

Then Jackfruits.

Kiwi passed out again.

Then we got a notice that Cucumber aged up, so I headed over to him to get his traits and binned. His traits are: clumsy, easily impressed. good, neat and over emotional.

Stupid repairwoman! She unclogged one toilet, said she was done and charged $50! Yeah, ummm see that shower right by you?! Its broken! Along with a few other things like the dishwasher!

Keep forgetting about the walker and playpen. Jackfruit just might get to learn to walk! He did!

Kiwi completed her LTW with the raise 5 kids one, and I got them the motive mobile. Maybe just maybe we can go for a little drive to get peoples needs up. Doubt it, but maybe! Kiwi is going for a ride though at least! That is after she passes out again! She hasn't slept in 2 days now.

Day 13 -  Mango

With her needs finally maxed she starts working on more skills, screw the house!

Huckleberry gets potty trained!

Eggplant is miserable. Don't worry bud, I think its your birthday today. So many I can't keep track!

Fig has an accident.

More skipping school, more scolding.

I get the notice Huckleberry is failing school and find him on the toy horse! Ugh! LOL someone want to remind me why I tried this?

Inga Bean gets potty trained next.

And its time for another ride in the motive mobile.

About 8pm we adopt Mango.

Birthdays start right after Mango arrives, so he's out on the front porch for a minute.

Inga Berry is first, we only got potty trained for her.

 Fig's birthday is next.

Guavaberry is next. Oh my goodness, he is not cute!

Then Kumquat.

Dewberry (he'll be moving out and taking at least 3 with him!) His traits ended up being: Athletic, coward, disciplined, grumpy, and virtuoso. Do you like his stink cloud?! LOL!

Kiwi finally gets Mango off the front porch.

Then Huckleberry ages up. He is so in the red!

So done with birthdays for the day, Dewberry moves out and takes Guavaberry, Fig and Eggplant with him. They are still teens, but they will be better off on their own! Guavaberry is on his last day as a teen, so there will actually be 2 YA's soon in there house. The only bad thing about this, is now Kiwi is alone again to take care of all the kids.

Day 14 - Nutmeg

Last day of this update, and it is a Saturday! I am hoping with just the 7 in the house for a bit, I can get their needs all up.

Kumquat gets a little love before Kiwi has to focus on all the other kids.

Kumquat then gets placed in the walker to get his walking done.

I got a notice that Guavaberry moved in with Banana, guess he didn't like living with Dewberry! Ah nevermind, Dewberry moved in with her too. Poor Banana! Eggplant moved in with some random guy, I have no idea.

Kumquat learns to walk! Whew only 50 more to go! That is what it feels like!

Jackfruit and Kumquat are then placed in the playpen to try to get their talking done.

I had to sell more stuff for them to make the next bills. Ugh can I sell babies?

Jackfruit learned to talk, then Kumquat learned to talk.

Birthday time rolls around again and that reminds me to adopt. We roll a girl and get Nutmeg. I didn't get a picture of her either!

Lemon is up first.

Eggplant ages into a YA. Traits end up being: Absent minded, friendly, light sleeper, lucky and virtuoso.

Kumquat gets potty trained! First one that learned all 3 skills since Apple! I was going to age him up, but he is already due for his birthday that day. If I can get around to it, he might get a cake.

It's Jackfruits birthday next. He is late because he was in the playpen.

Gah! The boys keep aging up with either pigtails or that long ass hair that should only be for a girl! Makeovers all over!

LOL The house is getting so sparse, pretty soon they won't have any walls! You can compare this picture to when I first started.

While everyone is asleep, Lemon plays with the dolls.

And here is where I will end this update. 14 kids in, and no social worker warnings yet. *knocks on wood*

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